There are many contributing factors to our overall health and wellbeing with common underlying causes to issues that we may experience. Scientists and Psychologists who study the nature of the human condition believe that there are various dimensions of wellness in people. There are understood to be seven dimensions in total which comprise of: mental, physical, social, financial, spiritual, environmental, and vocational. The seven areas are all different and independent however, they all display an influence on each other. When one area/dimension of wellness is out of balance, then the other dimensions are often also affected accordingly.
Most individuals will experience issues or problems with one or more of these areas throughout their lives, which can cause internal turmoil and stress, often resulting in issues such as anxiety or depression etc, however with regular use of calming techniques such as meditation and/or talking therapies, then these seven dimensions can be kept in balance and in perspective.
It is often the comparing of ourselves with others which can cause issues, stress related experiences can also cause emotional tribulation and a sufficient lack of one of the dimensions can also have a detrimental effect.
We will now cover each of the seven dimensions of wellness in turn:
- Mental wellness - Mental wellness also known as emotional wellness includes all areas of our mental, emotional and behavioural state, as well as how they interact with each other turn, your mental health and thought processes influence how you think, feel, and behave in your every day life. Mental health can be positive or negative. When it is negative we may experience problems, when positive we are able to cope with the normal challenges that occur in life. Our mental health can affect our mood, emotions and experiences.
Physical wellness - Physical wellness is big business today and comprises of many areas that help to ensure that we engage in a variety of healthy activities including exercise, eating well and gaining a good level of nutrition, a good amount of sleep, hydration, disease prevention and a good level of sexual health. Physical wellness is all about developing healthy attitudes and routines that will enable to you to live a healthy and happy life.
- Social wellness - Social wellness is all about how we communicate and interact with our fellow humans within the community which we live. Social wellness studies how we create relationships with each other and scientists who study the seven dimensions of wellness believe that social wellness plays a big part in our wellbeing and how supported we feel. Social wellness is about our personal relationships with family and friends, as well as our we interact with our peers, colleagues and professionals. Areas to keep healthy include long-term and short-term relationships, loneliness and isolation, consideration and communication skills, and how to deal with change in social circumstances or social issues such as social anxiety
- Financial wellness - Financial wellness is all about how we manage and balance our personal financial situation. Healthy meaning we have an amount of savings, we don't spend beyond our limits and we can live a happy life with what we have. Our finances can play a bit part in our overall wellness. It is how you related on a day-to-day basis with your earning and spending and your relationship between your goals and your financial requirements. When someone is struggling financially, all aspects of their wellness can be negatively affected and financial struggles can cause an immense amount of stress for some. Financial wellness can include good financial planning, and healthy living on a budget.
- Spiritual wellness - Spiritual wellness looks at how our culture, religion, set of beliefs, principles, and values go towards helping us feel healthy, supported, happy and fulfilled. It can also be a major factor in giving some people the direction that they might need to stay on the right path in life. Spiritual wellness is all about how we adopt and allocate meaning and purpose in to our lives. This can have an affect on our relationships, our needs and our aspiration for the future. Spiritual wellness might include knowledge on contentment, gratitude, self-understanding, and having meaning in our lives.
- Vocational wellness - Vocational wellness is all about how we utilise our skills and abilities to gain a fulfilling career in our lives. This can be challenging for some and many feel they don't get it right but if there is are decent employment benefits in return for work then it can go a long way to how we gain purpose and happiness in our working lives. Vocational wellness can also focus on how we develop ourselves, how we focus and how we approach self-discovery of our innate abilities. Vocational wellness and how we approach employment is often based on our desires, intellect, personal values and beliefs, and can include how we approach learning, study, skills, and academic or vocational interests.
- Environmental wellness - Environment wellness is the study of the ways in which our environment and global position can affect how we live and how that in-turn affects our level of wellness. The subject can cover natural disasters such as earth quake, flooding or draught in some countries and how the people living in those countries cope with such a dramatic environment. Environmental wellness can also include how we can gain fulfilment and wellness from nature. How close we feel to our environment, how our environment is taken care of by our governments and how our wellness can be found in our environment, in nature and our natural surroundings.
These seven areas of wellness each affect our wellbeing in turn and can often affect each other. In order to feel happy and to experience less problems in life it is essential to approach these areas with interest, interest in how to balance the dimensions to ensure that each one does not cause us problems, dominate our thoughts or negative affect our emotions and our mental and physical health in any way.